Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We Stand with Kenyans and Call for Change

Source: CNN

Kenya is currently facing a tumultuous period marked by widespread protests and civil unrest. President William Ruto's recent condemnation of the protests, labeling them as "treasonous," has done little to address the root causes of the public's outrage. The demonstrations, sparked by a controversial finance bill proposing tax hikes, have seen the country gripped by violence and bloodshed, with at least five people dead and many more injured.

Despite the government's attempts to pacify the situation by scrapping certain tax increases, the protests have continued, driven by the rising cost of living and economic hardships faced by many Kenyans. The movement, known as "7 Days of Rage," reflects the deep-seated frustration and anger among the populace.

Reports of police brutality, including the use of live rounds and tear gas against demonstrators, and the mistreatment of paramedics, have further exacerbated the situation. The images of bodies lying on the streets of Nairobi and the storming of parliament are stark reminders of the gravity of the crisis.

In his address to the nation, President Ruto emphasized the threat to national security posed by the protests and criticized those he claimed had hijacked the conversation around the finance bill. However, his words did little to quell the unrest or provide a path forward.

As the military is deployed to support the police, human rights and civil society groups have condemned the heavy-handed response of the authorities. The call for change is not just about the finance bill but about addressing the broader issues of economic inequality, political accountability, and human rights.

We stand in solidarity with the people of Kenya and call for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. It is imperative that the government listens to the voices of its citizens and works towards meaningful reforms that can bring stability and prosperity to the nation. The current situation is unsustainable, and only through dialogue and genuine commitment to change can Kenya move forward.

Sadili Oval in solidarity.

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